CGTA seminar, 15. april 2014.

Naredni sastanak CGTA seminara biće održan u utorak, 15. aprila 2014, od 18-20h u sali 844 Matematičkog fakulteta.

Predavač: Branislav Prvulović

Naslov predavanja: Ekvivarijantna preslikavanja medju kompleksnim Štifelovim mnogostrukostima

Sadržaj: Primenama teorije ekvivarijantnog indeksa dokazuju se teoreme tipa Borsuka-Ulama za Štifelove mnogostrukosti.

Predavanje se bazira na zajedničkom radu sa Zoranom Petrovićem (Osaka J. Math., 2013).


Konkurs za najbolji naučnoistraživački i stručni rad studenata za 2013. godinu


Seminar Geometrija, obrazovanje i vizuelizacija sa primenama, 10. april 2014.

Naredni sastanak Seminara biće održan u četvrtak, 10. aprila 2014, sa početkom u 17:15 časova u sali 301f, Matematičkog instituta SANU.


Eberhard Malkowskya, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, Fatih University

Vesna Veličović, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Nis

Naslov predavanja: Summability, Compactness and Visualisations

Sadržaj: The theory of matrix transformations is a wide and im- portant eld in modern summability theory. It focuses on establishing necessary and sucient conditions on the entries of an in nite matrix to be a map between given sequence spaces. We present a survey of the most important concepts and methods applied in the solutions of these tasks. Those characterisations and the Hausdor measure of noncompactness can be applied to determine various classes of com- pact matrix operators between certain sequence spaces. Finally we visualise some of our presented results.


Educational Research Methods Workshop, Matematički fakultet, 11. april 2014.

Dr Žolt Lavica sa Univerziteta u Kembridžu održaće radionicu na Matematičkom fakultetu u petak, 11. aprila u prostorijama fakulteta u Jagićevoj ulici sa početkom u 17h.

Poželjno je da se zainteresovani učesnici prijave mejlom na

Tema radionice: Educational Research Methods Workshop

Ciljevi radionice: The workshops are to be developed to offer a basic introduction to philosophies, methodologies and methods in educational research. The session will also aim to equip equip participants to design and carry out research projects in particular for Masters and PhD studies.

During the workshop, participants will develop a better understanding of:

- the basic assumptions, concepts, strategies and limitations of educational research

- critical issues in planning, conducting, analysing and interpreting research

- the ethical issues involved in all stages of the research process

- principal criteria for evaluating research and constructing a literature review

- the importance of being a systematic, reflective and self-critical 

and researcher and will develop the skills needed to:

- review, critique, defend and synthesise published research studies

- formulate worthwhile, investigable, ethical and feasible research questions

- design a research project with the potential to answer your research questions

- apply and/or construct methods of data collection that are ethical, valid and reliable

- understand the principles involved in the analysis of different kinds of data, and learn to apply these appropriately to theanalysis of your own data

- plan and write a theses and papers.

We will discuss some of the following topics:

- Introduction to the principles of evaluation in researching education

- Research questions and designs

- Literature review, referencing, bibliographical software options

- Classroom based research and designs

- Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research

- Data and Sources: Interviews, observations and questionnaires

- Working on own research ideas and projects

- Topics from session 1

- Qualitative data analyses

- Quantitative analyses

- Arguing and structuring theses and papers

- Discussing own research projects.


Cobb, P., Confrey, J., diSessa, A., Lehrer, R., & Schauble, L. (2003). Design Experiments in Educational Research. Educational Researcher, 32(1), 9–13.

Dunkin, M. J. (1996). Types of errors in synthesizing research in education. Review of Educational Research, 66(2), 87–97.

Johnson, R. B., & Onwuegbuzie, A. J. (2004). Mixed methods research: A research paradigm whose time has come. Educational researcher, 33(7), 14–26.

Moss, P. A., Phillips, D. C., Erickson, F. D., Floden, R. E., Lather, P. A., & Schneider, B. L.(2009). Learning from our differences: A dialogue across perspectives on quality in education research. Educational Researcher, 38(7), 501–517.

Oancea, A. (2005). Criticisms of educational research: key topics and levels of analysis. British Educational Research Journal, 31(2), 157–183.

Pring, R. (2005). Philosophy of education: Aims, theory, common sense and research. Continuum International Publishing Group. Chapter 3.

Field, A. (2009). Discover statistics using SPSS. SAGE Publications Ltd, London, UK. Chapter 1.

Lyle, J. (2003). Stimulated recall: A report on its use in naturalistic research. British Educational Research Journal, 29(6), 861–878.

Symonds, J. E., & Gorard, S. (2010). Death of mixed methods? Or the rebirth of research as a craft. Evaluation & Research in Education, 23(2), 121–136.

Weston, C., Gandell, T., Beauchamp, J., McAlpine, L., Wiseman, C., & Beauchamp, C. (2001). Analyzing interview data: The development and evolution of a coding system. Qualitative Sociology, 24(3), 381–400.

Wilson, E. (2012). School-based research: a guide for education students. Sage. Chapter 7


Tribina biblioteke SANU, 8. april 2014.

Naredna Tribina biblioteke SANU biće održana u utorak, 8. aprila 2014. sa početkom u 13h u Salonu kluba SANU (međusprat), Kneza Mihaila 35.

Na Tribini će biti predstavljene knjige:

Fractional calculus with applications in mechanics : vibrations and diffusion processes / Teodor M. Atanacković, Stevan Pilipović, Bogoljub Stanković, Dušan Zorica. - London: ISTE; Hoboken: Wiley, 2014

Fractional calculus with applications in mechanics : wave propagation, impact and variational principles / Teodor M. Atanacković, Stevan Pilipović, Bogoljub Stanković, Dušan Zorica. - London: ISTE; Hoboken: Wiley, 2014


akademik Vladan Đorđević
akademik Gradimir Milovanović
akademik Teodor M. Atanacković
akademik Stevan Pilipović


Predavanje dr Žolta Lavice, 11. april 2014.

Dr Žolt Lavica sa Univerziteta u Kembridžu održaće predavanja na Matematičkom fakultetu u petak, 11. aprila u sali 706 sa početkom u 12h.

Naslov predavanja: Integrating Technology into K12 School Teaching to Enhance STEM Education in Hungary

Sadržaj predavanja

Kratka biografija:

Dr Zsolt Lavicza, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge

After receiving his degrees in mathematics and physics in Hungary, Zsolt began his postgraduate studies in applied mathematics at the University of Cambridge. While teaching mathematics at the University of Cincinnati he became interested in researching issues in the teaching and learning mathematics. In particular, he focused on investigating issues in relation to the use of technology in undergraduate mathematics education. Since then, both at the University of Michigan and Cambridge, working with Deborah Ball, Hyman Bass, Paul Andrews, and Kenneth Ruthve, he has worked on several research projects examining technology and mathematics teaching in a variety of classroom environments. Currently, Zsolt is working as an Associate Lecturer in Mathematics Education at the University of Cambridge. He is also co-ordinating the development of local GeoGebra Institutes and offering research support within the International GeoGebra Institute. He serves as a Director of Research at the GeoMaTech project as well as advising research projects at different countries.


Seminar mehanike, 9. april 2014.

Naredni sastanak Seminara biće održan u sredu, 8. aprila 2014, sa početkom u 18 časova u sali 301f, Matematičkog instituta SANU.

Predavač: Dejan Urošević, Matematički fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu


Sadržaj: U prvom delu ovog predavanja će biti objašnjeno kako nastaje mikrotalasno pozadinsko zračenje i kako je prvi put detektovano.

U nastavku će biti reči o nekoliko projekata koji su doprineli boljem razumevanju Univerzuma kao celine, a iz direktnih posmatranja Mikrotalasnog pozadinskog zračenja, sa posebnim osvrtom na nedavno završenu misiju PLANCK.


Seminar za računarstvo i primenjenu matematiku, 8. april 2014.

Naredni sastanak Seminara biće održan u utorak, 8. aprila 2014, sa početkom u 14:15 časova u sali 301f, Matematičkog instituta SANU.

Predavač: Sanja Grohman, Matematički institut SANU


Sadržaj: Razmatramo Huff lokacijski model sa više servisnih centara na mreži. Ovaj mešoviti problem nelinearne optimizacije rešavamo korišćenjem metaheuristika: Metod promenljivih okolina (Variable Neighborhood Search) i njegove varijante, Simulirano kaljenje (Simulated Annealing) i Multistart lokalna pretraga (Multi-Start Local Search).

Dajemo izveštaj o našem iskustvu prilikom rada na problemu, kao i o rezultatima do kojih smo došli. Predlažemo i matematički model za egzaktno rešavanje problema. Model je implementiran korišćenjem KNITRO solvera za probleme nelinearne optimizacije.

Takođe, izveštavamo i o dobijenim rezultatima.

Koautori rada su Dragan Urošević, Nenad Mladenović, Matematički institut SANU, Beograd i Emilio Carrizosa, Univerzitet u Sevilji, Sevilja, Španija.


CGTA seminar, 8. april 2014.

Naredni sastanak CGTA seminara biće održan u utorak, 8. aprila 2014, od 18-20h u sali 844 Matematičkog fakulteta.

Predavač: Branislav Prvulović

Naslov predavanja: Ekvivarijantna preslikavanja medju kompleksnim Štifelovim mnogostrukostima

Sadržaj: Primenama teorije ekvivarijantnog indeksa dokazuju se teoreme tipa Borsuka-Ulama za Štifelove mnogostrukosti.

Predavanje se bazira na zajedničkom radu sa Zoranom Petrovićem (Osaka J. Math., 2013).


Predavanje akademika Vladete Jerotića

Akademik dr Vladeta Jerotić biće gost Matematičkog fakulteta i održaće predavanje na temu: "Šta čovek krije?" u ponedeljak 7. aprila 2014. sa početkom u 19 sati u VHA u prizemlju zgrade na Studentskom trgu

Pozivamo sve zainteresovane da prisustvuju predavanju.

