Kaspersky Conferences of Young Professionals, January 28-30th, 2011, University of Applied Sciences, Erfurt, Germany

Kaspersky Lab organizes yearly "Conferences for Young Professionals." These worldwide conferences aim to promote and reward research in the field of IT Security for which Bachelor´s, Master´s and Ph.D. students can apply. We would be glad if you spread this information to member universities with a focus on IT and software.

The next European one, i.e. the European Cup 2011, will take place January 28th to 30th, 2011, and will be hosted by the University of Applied Sciences in Erfurt, Germany. Students from all over Europe are invited to submit a short research paper on or by December 6th, 2010, which will then be evaluated by our committee of experts and university professors. The students with the best submissions will be invited to participate in the conference and present their research. Expenses for travel and accommodation will be paid for by Kaspersky Lab. As well as their own presentations they will benefit from our experts' presentations, workshops, panel discussion and teambuilding. They will also get the chance to mix, network and make valuable contacts for the future. All selected papers will be published electronically. In addition, the three winners will receive attractive prizes and an invitation to the next round, the International Cup, which will feature the winners from all our regional conferences for the Grand finale.

Some professors have already assured us of their collaboration and will encourage their students to participate in the conference. We hope that you find this project interesting and will promote it to your students. You will find full details on the website


and on the facebook page


Teachers are welcome to take part in the conference. The conference is sponsored completely by Kaspersky Labs. Please note that travel and accommodation expenses can only be paid for invited participants.

You may register directly at Katrin Banks via katrin.banks@kaspersky.de .

If you have questions concerning a visit to the conference you can also directly call Ms. Banks (+49-(0)841-981 89 279).

Contact person:

Ailien Krussmann

Mann beißt Hund - Agentur für Kommunikation GmbHStresemannstr. 374 | 22761 Hamburg
Tel.+49 (0)40/890 696-0| Fax +49 (0)40/890 696-20,
E-Mail: akr@mann-beisst-hund.de
Web: www.mann-beisst-hund.de