Семинар за примењену математику, 22. март 2011.

Наредни састанак Семинара за примењену математику одржаће се у уторак, 22.03.2011. у 14:15, у сали 301ф, МИ САНУ.

Предавач: др Петар Кочовић, Гартнер Србија


Abstract: The adoption of cloud computing has accelerated in 2010. As cloud-computing technologies and vendors mature, more enterprises will adopt the Internet-based computing style. Large enterprises will adopt cloud computing at different paces, depending on their risk profiles. Even more risk-averse enterprises will start to exploit cloud computing through the rest of 2010 and into 2011 for: website and video hosting, collaboration activities, auxiliary storage and processing, testing and software as a service (SaaS). Organizations will use cloud computing to reduce the cost of e-mail, IT infrastructure, data centers and storage, and business applications.

Key words: CaPEx-OpEx analysis, Cloud Computing, e-Government, Private Cloud, Public Cloud

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