Семинар за рачунарство и примењену математику, 28. фебруар 2017.

Наредни састанак Семинара биће одржан у уторак, 28. фебруара 2017. у сали 301ф Математичког института САНУ са почетком у 14:15 часова.

Предавачи: Зоран Бојковић, Life Senior member IEEE, Бојан Бакмаз, Member IEEE и Миодраг Бакмаз, Member IEEE, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia


Детаљније: Although future communication networks will require a multimedia transport solution that is more aware of a delivery network`s requirements, the Internet of the future is expected to be more agile, secure and reliable, enriching at the same time many areas of life. The Internet of Things (IoT) connects devices, or objects, in order to increase their efficiency by exploiting the potential of  networking. The next step is Tactile Internet (TI) making infrastructure between humans, machines and systems faster and more efficient. TI has been defined by the IEEE P 1918.1 T1 ad-hoc defining group as "A network or network of networks for remotely accessing, perceiving, manipulating or controlling objects or processes in perceived real time by humans or machines".

This work deals with the perspective of TI. Starting from the point that the technology`s potential in the respect of our human senses can interact with machines, the TI will enable not only audiovisual interaction with technical systems, but also the moving robotic systems to be controlled.
The high availability and security, ultra-fast reaction times and TI reliability represent a new quality in human to human interaction enabling tactile sensations. In what follows, we are going to outline the potential of the TI exploring application fields, ranging from industry automation, transportation systems, to healthcare, energy, education, all demonstrating a growing impact on our society. Robotics and distance presence, virtual and augmented reality are pointed out, too. It goes on to describe the TI demands on future digital infrastructure and its expected impact on latency and reliability, security, system architecture, access networks as well as mobile edge-cloud. Open challenges and future  research directions conclude the presentation.

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