Одељење за математику, 4. новембар 2016.

Наредни састанак Семинара биће одржан у петак, 4. новембра 2016. у сали 301ф Математичког института САНУ са почетком у 14:15 часова.

Предавач: Дончо Димовски, академик МАНУ


Апстракт: We give a general theory of binary permutation identities, considering them as morphisms in a sequence of categories whose objects are binary trees. For a given set of permutation identities, we describe the set of its consequences. We also consider the properties for a set of permutation identities to be mA-nice, and mAC-nice. We give an example of a set of permutation identities of the form u = v, v = w, that is 7AC-nice. This is a joint work with Aleksandar Krapež.

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