Семинар из астрономије и астрофизике, 10. мај 2016.

Наредни састанак Семинара биће одржан у уторак, 10. маја 2016. од 18h у сали 809 Математичког факултета, V спрат.

Предавач: Georgios Tsirvoulis, Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher, Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade


Апстракт: One of the reasons for which asteroids are subject of many studies is that they represent what is left over of the original population of planetesimals in the inner Solar System.

Among the many properties of asteroids, their size-frequency distribution (SFD) may be diagnostic of the process by which planetesimals formed. Taking advantage of the existence of the so-called "Pristine zone", a low density part of the main asteroid belt, remove asteroid family members to obtain the SFD of the background asteroid population.

We then compare the SFD of the neighboring regions to that of the pristine zone, in order to understand the collisional history of the main-belt. Finally, using the size-dependent collisional probabilities of asteroids throughout the age of the solar system, we set a constrain on the SFD of the primordial population of planetesimals in the solar system.

Након предавања, поводом 200. семинара Катедре за астрономију, биће организован коктел. Добро дошли!

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