Предавање професора Јурка 2. јуна на Математичком факултету

Професор Вјачеслав Јурко са Универзитета у Саратову одржаће предавање под називом "Inverse problems for differential operators on spatial networks" на Математичком факултету, у уторак, 2. јуна 2015. са почетком у 13h (БИМ сала, IV спрат).

The lecture is devoted to spectral theory for ordinary differential operators on spatial networks. We pay the main attention to nonlinear inverse spectral problems of recovering coefficients of differential operators (potentials) from the given spectral characteristics. Inverse problems for differential operators arise in various problems of mathematics as well as in applications in natural sciences and engineering. The main results and methods for this class of inverse problems will be presented.

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