KGTA seminar, 28.04.2015.

Naredni sastanak Seminara održaće se u utorak 28. aprila od 14 do 16 sati na Matematičkom fakultetu, sala 844 (5. sprat).

Siniša Vrećica i Rade Živaljević

Naslov predavanja:
Topološke metode u kombinatorici (nastavak)

Topološke metode korišćene u kombinatorici su u velikoj meri i metode korišćene u Primenjenoj i računarskoj topologiji. Ovim ciklusom biće obuhvaćena periodična uvodna predavanja kao i pregledi zanimljivih tema i ovorenih problema pogodnih za samostalni naučni rad.


Seminar Katedre za astronomiju, 28.04.2015.

Seminar iz astronomije i astrofizike održaće se u utorak 28. aprila 2015. u 18 sati u učionici 809.

dr Zoran Knežević, naučni savetnik AOB i dopisni član SANU

Naslov predavanja:
"Dinamička evolucija planetskih sistema II: Era diska planetezimala i nastanak terestričkih planeta"

skype: dept_of_astro


New trends in Hopf algebras and tensor categories


Peta matematička konferencija Republike Srpske, Trebinje, 5. i 6. jun 2015.

Peta matematička konferencija Republike Srpske održaće se u Trebinju, 5. i 6. juna 2015.

Domaćin konferencije je Fakultet za proizvodnju i menadžment u Trebinju.

Važni datumi:

Prijava na konferenciju – 03. maj
Obavještenje o prihvatanju rada – 17. maj
Potvrda dolaska na konferenciju – 21. maj
Dostavljanje programa rada – 26. maj

Više informacija o Konferenciji može se naći na adresi:


Seminar Matematički metodi mehanike, 29.04.2015.

Naredni sastanak Seminara održaće se u sredu 29. aprila 2015. u 15 sati.

Predavač: Vladimir Janković, Matematički fakultet, Beograd

Naslov predavanja: Uvod u optimalno upravljanje - Pontrjaginov princip maksimuma - specijalni kurs

Sastanci Seminara održavaju se u Matematičkom institutu SANU, Kneza Mihaila 36, treći sprat, sala 301f.


Professor Sahra Sedigh Sarvestani, Professor Ali Hurson, Missouri University of Science and Technology

Najava predavanja za utorak 21.04.2015. u 14:15, soba 301f, MI SANU.

Professor Sahra Sedigh Sarvestani, Missouri University of Science and Technology

Naslov predavanja:

Critical infrastructure systems are increasingly reliant on cyber infrastructure that enables intelligent real-time control of physical components. This cyber infrastructure utilize environmental and operational data to provide decision support intended to increase the efficacy and reliability of the physical system and facilitate mitigation of failure. Correctly implemented, the ultimate result of these efforts is more sustainable use of non-renewable resources and reduction of environmental impact. However, realistic imperfections such as corrupt sensor data, software errors, or communication outages can cause failure in an otherwise functional physical infrastructure, defying the purpose of intelligent control. As such, justifiable reliance on cyber-physical critical infrastructure is contingent on rigorous investigation of the effect of intelligent control, including modeling and simulation of failure propagation within the cyber-physical infrastructure. We discuss challenges in and recent advances towards development of quantitative models and accurate simulation methods for cyber-physical critical infrastructure systems, with focus on the reliability of smart grids and intelligent water distribution networks.

Short bio:
Dr. Sahra Sedigh Sarvestani is an Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science and a Research Investigator with the Intelligent Systems Center at the Missouri University of Science and Technology. She received the B.S. degree from the Sharif University of Technology and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Purdue University, all in electrical engineering. Her current research centers on development and modeling of dependable networks and systems, with focus on critical infrastructure. Her projects include research on dependability of the electric power grid, large-scale water distribution networks, and transportation infrastructures. Her past and present research sponsors include the US and Missouri Departments of Transportation, the Department of Education, the National Security Agency, and the EU FP7 Program on Smart Monitoring of Historic Structures.  She is a Fellow of the National Academy of Engineering`s Frontiers of Engineering Education Program. She held a Purdue Research Foundation Fellowship from 1996 to 2000. She is a member of HKN, IEEE, and ACM.

Professor Ali Hurson, Missouri University of Science and Technology

Naslov predavanja:

Constraints on the energy, bandwidth, and connectivity of mobile devices complicate the timely and reliable access to public data. Energy is often the most stringent constraint, necessitating techniques that facilitate operation in energy-saving modes. Broadcasting, typically over parallel channels, has proven to be an effective method for dissemination of public data to mobile devices. However, the employment of parallel channels introduces challenges associated with channel switches and conflicts due to the concurrent accesses to multiple data items that ultimately increase energy consumption and response time. The detrimental effects on energy consumption and response time can be alleviated by scheduling the retrieval of data items in an order that reduces the number of passes over the air channels and channel switches between the parallel channels.

This research, proposes several scheduling algorithms that achieve the aforementioned objectives.  To further improve energy consumption and response time, the scope of our scheduling algorithms has been enhanced by replication of popular data items. The proposed scheduling algorithms, both with and without replication, have been simulated and simulation results are presented and analyzed. These results show that the proposed scheduling algorithms, compared to some heuristic based methods, have greater impact in reducing the energy consumption and response time. This reduction is shown to be more pronounced with replication of data items.

Index Terms:
Algorithm/protocol design and analysis, energy management, query processing, ubiquitous computing, broadcasting

Short bio:
A. R. Hurson is a professor of departments of Computer Science, and Electrical and Computer Engineering at Missouri S&T. For the period of 2008-20012 he served as the computer science department chair.  Before joining Missouri S&T, he was a professor of Computer Science and Engineering department at The Pennsylvania State University.  His research for the past 30 years has been supported by NSF, DARPA, Department of Education, Air Force, Office of Naval Research, NCR Corp., General Electric, IBM, Lockheed Martin, Penn State University, and Missouri S&T.  He has published over 300 technical papers in areas including database systems, multidatabases, global information sharing processing, application of mobile agent technology, object oriented databases, Mobile and pervasive computing, computer architecture and cache memory, parallel and distributed processing, dataflow architectures, and VLSI algorithms. Professor Hurson has been active in various IEEE/ACM Conferences and has given tutorials on global information sharing, database management systems, supercomputer technology, data/knowledge-based systems, dataflow processing, scheduling and load balancing, parallel computing, and Pervasive computing. Currently, he is serving as an ACM distinguish lecturer, Editor-in-Chief Advances in computers, editor of The CSI Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, and editor of Computing Journal.


Seminar za računarstvo i primenjenu matematiku, 21. april 2015.

Naredni sastanak Seminara biće održan u utorak, 21.04.2015. u 14:15, soba 301f, MI SANU.

Dupli program:

Predavač: Professor Sahra Sedighsarvestani, Missouri University of Science and Technology


Abstract: Critical infrastructure systems are increasingly reliant on cyber infrastructure that enables intelligent real-time control of physical components. This cyber infrastructure utilizes environmental and operational data to provide decision support intended to increase the efficacy and reliability of the physical system and facilitate mitigation of failure. Correctly implemented, the ultimate result of these efforts is more sustainable use of non-renewable resources and reduction of environmental impact. However, realistic imperfections such as corrupt sensor data, software errors, or   communication outages can cause failure in an otherwise functional physical infrastructure, defying the purpose of intelligent control. As such, justifiable reliance on cyber-physical critical infrastructure is contingent on rigorous investigation of the effect of intelligent control, including modeling and simulation of failure propagation within the cyber-physical infrastructure. We discuss challenges in and recent advances towards development of quantitative models and accurate simulation methods for cyber-physical critical infrastructure systems, with focus on the reliability of smart grids and intelligent water distribution networks.

Short bio: Dr. Sahra Sedigh Sarvestani is an Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science and a Research Investigator with the Intelligent Systems Center at the Missouri University of Science and Technology. She received the B.S. degree from the Sharif University of Technology and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Purdue University, all in electrical engineering. Her current research centers on development and modeling of dependable networks and systems, with focus on critical infrastructure. Her projects include research on dependability of the electric power grid, large-scale water distribution networks, and transportation infrastructures. Her past and present research sponsors include the US and Missouri Departments of Transportation, the Department of Education, the National Security Agency, and the EU FP7 Program on Smart Monitoring of Historic Structures.  She is a Fellow of the National Academy of Engineering`s Frontiers of Engineering Education Program. She held a Purdue Research Foundation Fellowship from 1996 to 2000. She is a member of HKN, IEEE, and ACM.

Predavač: Professor Ali Hurson, Missouri University of Science and Technology


Abstract: Constraints on the energy, bandwidth, and connectivity of mobile devices complicate the timely and reliable access to public data. Energy is often the most stringent constraint, necessitating techniques that facilitate operation in energy-saving modes. Broadcasting, typically over parallel channels, has proven to be an effective method for dissemination of public data to mobile devices. However, the employment of parallel channels introduces challenges associated with channel switches and conflicts due to the concurrent accesses to multiple data items that ultimately increase energy consumption and response time. The detrimental effects on energy consumption and response time can be alleviated by scheduling the retrieval of data items in an order that reduces the number of passes over the air channels and channel switches between the parallel channels.
This research, proposes several scheduling algorithms that achieve the aforementioned objectives.  To further improve energy consumption and response time, the scope of our scheduling algorithms has been enhanced by replication of popular data items. The proposed scheduling algorithms, both with and without replication, have been simulated and simulation results are presented and analyzed. These results show that the proposed scheduling algorithms, compared to some heuristic based methods, have greater impact in reducing the energy consumption and response time. This reduction is shown to be more pronounced with replication of data items.

Index Terms:  Algorithm/protocol design and analysis, energy management, query processing, ubiquitous computing, broadcasting

Short bio: A. R. Hurson is a professor of departments of Computer Science, and Electrical and Computer Engineering at Missouri S&T. For the period of 2008-20012 he served as the computer science department chair.  Before joining Missouri S&T, he was a professor of Computer Science and Engineering department at The Pennsylvania State University.  His research for the past 30 years has been supported by NSF, DARPA, Department of Education, Air Force, Office of Naval Research, NCR Corp., General Electric, IBM, Lockheed Martin, Penn State University, and Missouri S&T.  He has published over 300 technical papers in areas including database systems, multidatabases, global information sharing processing, application of mobile agent technology, object oriented databases, Mobile and pervasive computing, computer architecture and cache memory, parallel and distributed processing, dataflow architectures, and VLSI algorithms. Professor Hurson has been active in various IEEE/ACM Conferences and has given tutorials on global information sharing, database management systems, supercomputer technology, data/knowledge-based systems, dataflow processing, scheduling and load balancing, parallel computing, and Pervasive computing. Currently, he is serving as an ACM distinguish lecturer, Editor-in-Chief Advances in computers, editor of The CSI Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, and editor of Computing Journal.


Predavanje Moderne Web i Front-end tehnologije

Centar za razvoj karijere i savetovanje studenata Univerziteta u Beogradu u saradnji sa kompanijom "Youngculture d.o.o" organizuje predavanje na temu „Moderne Web i Front-end tehnologije“. Predavanje će se održati u petak 24. aprila od 11.30 do 14h, na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, u sali 59.

Nastavlja se druženje sa zaposlenima iz kompanije "Youngculture". Ovog puta će vas Senior Software Engineer Žarko Šušnjar uz kratak osvrt na istoriju razvoja interneta, web strana i aplikacija, upoznati sa tehnologijama, tehnikama i rešenjima koja su dovela do onih koje se koriste danas.

Kako se Front-end tehnologije menjaju iz meseca u mesec, vrlo je važno poznavanje nekadašnjih rešenja i njihovih dobrih i loših osobina koje su dovele do stvaranja novih, koje će, opet, zbog svojih mana biti zamenjena u bliskoj budućnosti.

Učesnici će imati priliku da čuju više o razvoju modernih korisničkih interfejsa web aplikacija, kako su Front-end inženjeri postali danas veoma traženi da tržištu rada, zašto je front-end razvoj mnogo dinamičniji i zanimljiviji od razvoja web servisa ili baza podataka i kako uvek biti u toku i ostati konkurentan na tršištu rada.

Predavanje je prvenstveno namenjeno studentim završnih godina i diplomiranim studentima Elektrotehničkog, Matematičkog i Fakulteta organizacionih nauka, ali i drugima zainteresovanim za razvoj karijere u oblasti informacionih tehnologija.

Ovo je drugo u nizu predavanja koji se realizuje u saradnji sa kompanijom "Youngculture d.o.o" tokom 2015. godine na fakultetima u sastavu Univerziteta u Beogradu u okviru programa Centra za razvoj karijere Univerziteta u Beogradu "Lekcije iz prakse".

Program "Lekcije iz prakse" predstavlja ciklus predavanja, radionica i drugih aktivnosti koje se realizuju tokom godine u saradnji sa poslodavcima – korisnicima usluga Centra. Zamišljen je tako da uvaži interesovanja studenata i diplomaca pojedinih fakulteta i omogući im da u neposrednom kontaktu sa različitim poslodavcima dobiju važne savete i smernice koje će im olakšati proces zapošljavanja i uvođenje u svet rada.

Obavezno je prijavljivanje zbog ograničenog broja mesta. Molimo popunite upitnik za prijavu na linku:


Neradni dani

Obaveštavamo studente i zaposlene da povodom Vaskršnjih praznika Fakultet neće raditi od petka 10. do ponedeljka 13. aprila.

Prvi radni dan posle praznika je utorak 14. april.


Seminar Bioinformatika, 15.04.2015.

Naredni sastanak seminara Bioinformatika biće održan u sredu 15. aprila u 18 sati u sali 844/V na  Matematičkom fakultetu.

Predavač: Slobodan Zdravković, Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinča

Naslov predavanja: “Nelinearna dinamika mikrotubula”


Organizatori seminara su prof. dr Gordana Pavlović-Lažetić, prof. dr Branko Dragović i prof. dr Nenad Mitić, rukovodilac.
