Позив за заједничке пројекте са италијанским партнерима

Dear AIS3 member,

We are glad to announce that the call for proposals of joint projects within the 2nd Executive Programme of Cooperation in the field of Science and Technology between Serbia and Italy for the year 2016-2018 is now available here:

http://web.esteri.it/pgr/sviluppo [1] for Italian applicant
http://www.mpn.gov.rs/bilateral/italy [2] for Serbian applicants

Please note that new priority areas are

1. Basic Sciences
2. Health and Well-being
3. Agriculture and Food Technology
4. Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy - Environmental Development and Protection
5. Information and Communication Technologies, including technologies applied to Cultural Heritage
6. Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, Nanotechnology and Biotechnology

Deadline for joint project submission is June 12th 2015.

We are also glad to announce the conference on bilateral Italy-Serbia cooperation that will be held in Belgrade on November 16th (still tentative date) in occasion of the closure of the 1st Executive Programme of Cooperation in the field of Science and Technology between Serbia and Italy for the year 2013-2015.


AIS3 Steering Committee

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