Предавање проф. Владимира Марковића, понедељак 28. октобар

Проф. Владимир Марковић одржаће предавање "Virtual classification of hyperbolic 3-manifolds" у понедељак 28. октобра 2013. са почетком у 14 сати у сали за седнице Хемијског факултета на I спрату.

The first part of the talk will be aimed at the general mathematical audince (including undergraduate students). We will describe the aims of Low  Dimensional Geometry and Topology through pictures and movies. The second part of the talk will be focused on the recent work that resulted in the virtual classification of 3-manifolds.
During the past few years, J. Kahn and I developed a theory (based among other things on deep statistical properties of geometric flows) that led to the solution of the Ehrenpreis conjecture and (in some sense more importantly) the proof of the Surface Subgroup Theorem in 3-manifold topology. In particular, this theorem implies that every hyperbolic 3-manifold is cubulated. It then follows from the Agol-Wise theory of cube complexes that every hyperbolic 3-manifold is virtually Haken and virtually fibered. I will also discuss my latest result that aims to classify word hyperbolic groups whose boundary is the 2-spehere (the Cannon Conjecture), the main motivation being that this gives a fundamentally new approach toward proving the Perelman Hyperbolization Theorem for 3-manifolds of negative curvature.

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