Семинар за рачунарство и примењену математику, 12. октобар 2021.

Наредни састанак Семинара биће одржан онлајн у уторак, 12. октобра 2021. са почетком у 14:15 часова. У питању је заједнички састанак са Семинаром Одлучивање - теорија, технологија, пракса.

Предавачи: Милица Кнежевић, Синиша Томовић, Математички институт САНУ


Authentication is one of the key cryptology problems and it constitutes the basis of protection needed for secure communication within computer networks. RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) is a technology applied in various fields, such as supply chain management, payment and transportation systems, access control, animal identification, etc. The necessity to provide some level of security and privacy in RFID systems, on one hand, and inherent constraints of the RFID devices, on the other, have made RFID authentication a very active and challenging research topic. As a solution, a number of lightweight authentication protocols have been proposed, and one of the significant families of protocols among these is the HB-family, whose security is based on the hardness of the LPN (Learning Parity with Noise) problem. In the focus of our research is a well-known Man-in-the-middle attack against the HB\# and Random-HB\# protocols, two prominent members of the HB-family. We show that the attack does not achieve the claimed precision and complexity, and further identify the root cause of the detected problem, which lies in reasoning based on improper approximations of the probability distributions of the central attack events. After establishing the exact distributions of these events, we rectify the attack and prove correctness of the proposed solution.

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