Студентски семинар, 14. децембар 2018.

Наредни састанак Семинара биће одржан у петак, 14. децембра 2018. у сали 301ф Математичког института САНУ са почетком у 12:15.

Предавач: Erika Roldan Roa, The Ohaio State University, USA & CIMAT, Mexico


Апстракт: Puzzles based on colored cubes and other colored geometrical figures have a long history in the recreational mathematical literature. One of the most commercially famous of these puzzles is the Instant Insanity that consists of four cubes. Their faces are colored with four different colors in such a way that each color is present in each one of the four cubes. To solve the puzzle, one needs to stack the cubes in a tower in such a way that each one of the colors appears exactly once in the four long faces of the tower.

In this talk we are going to study the combinatorial richness of a mathematical model of this puzzle by analyzing all possible ways of coloring the cubes to form a puzzle analogous to the Instant Insanity and by finding all the solutions (if any) for each one of these puzzles. We have done this analysis for n cubes and n colors for n=4, 5, 6. This combinatorial analysis allowed us to design the Mutando of Insanity, a puzzle that we presented at Gathering for Gardner 12 (G4G12).

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