Семинар за механику, 17. децембар 2014.

Наредни састанак Семинара биће одржан у среду, 17. децембра 2014. у сали 301ф Математичког института САНУ са почетком у 18 часова.

Предавач: Дубравка Мијуца, University UNION - Nikola Tesla. Faculty of Civil Construction Menagement. Department of Structural Engineering.


Садржај: The new fully three dimensional finite element simulation methodology for numerical modelling of behaviour of open cell foams, is presented. It is done on the example of the new original design of impact protective aluminum alloy AlSi7Mg0.3 foam.

The foam structure is made to resemble the behaviour of the Pomelo citrus MAxima and *Macadamia integrifolia *fruits which are distinctive for its superior mechanical characteristics during dynamical loading. The lecture therefore cover the interesting research area of Biomimetics.

The investigation is performed under the DFG Priority Project SMP 1420 -"Biomimetic Materials Research: Functionality by Hierarchical Structuring of Materials", performed partially by Institute IMWF of University of Stuttgart, in which author has worked during that time.

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