Educational Research Methods Workshop, Математички факултет, 11. април 2014.

Др Жолт Лавица са Универзитета у Кембриџу одржаће радионицу на Математичком факултету у петак, 11. априла у просторијама факултета у Јагићевој улици са почетком у 17h.

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Тема радионице: Educational Research Methods Workshop

Циљеви радионице: The workshops are to be developed to offer a basic introduction to philosophies, methodologies and methods in educational research. The session will also aim to equip equip participants to design and carry out research projects in particular for Masters and PhD studies.

During the workshop, participants will develop a better understanding of:

- the basic assumptions, concepts, strategies and limitations of educational research

- critical issues in planning, conducting, analysing and interpreting research

- the ethical issues involved in all stages of the research process

- principal criteria for evaluating research and constructing a literature review

- the importance of being a systematic, reflective and self-critical 

and researcher and will develop the skills needed to:

- review, critique, defend and synthesise published research studies

- formulate worthwhile, investigable, ethical and feasible research questions

- design a research project with the potential to answer your research questions

- apply and/or construct methods of data collection that are ethical, valid and reliable

- understand the principles involved in the analysis of different kinds of data, and learn to apply these appropriately to theanalysis of your own data

- plan and write a theses and papers.

We will discuss some of the following topics:

- Introduction to the principles of evaluation in researching education

- Research questions and designs

- Literature review, referencing, bibliographical software options

- Classroom based research and designs

- Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research

- Data and Sources: Interviews, observations and questionnaires

- Working on own research ideas and projects

- Topics from session 1

- Qualitative data analyses

- Quantitative analyses

- Arguing and structuring theses and papers

- Discussing own research projects.


Cobb, P., Confrey, J., diSessa, A., Lehrer, R., & Schauble, L. (2003). Design Experiments in Educational Research. Educational Researcher, 32(1), 9–13.

Dunkin, M. J. (1996). Types of errors in synthesizing research in education. Review of Educational Research, 66(2), 87–97.

Johnson, R. B., & Onwuegbuzie, A. J. (2004). Mixed methods research: A research paradigm whose time has come. Educational researcher, 33(7), 14–26.

Moss, P. A., Phillips, D. C., Erickson, F. D., Floden, R. E., Lather, P. A., & Schneider, B. L.(2009). Learning from our differences: A dialogue across perspectives on quality in education research. Educational Researcher, 38(7), 501–517.

Oancea, A. (2005). Criticisms of educational research: key topics and levels of analysis. British Educational Research Journal, 31(2), 157–183.

Pring, R. (2005). Philosophy of education: Aims, theory, common sense and research. Continuum International Publishing Group. Chapter 3.

Field, A. (2009). Discover statistics using SPSS. SAGE Publications Ltd, London, UK. Chapter 1.

Lyle, J. (2003). Stimulated recall: A report on its use in naturalistic research. British Educational Research Journal, 29(6), 861–878.

Symonds, J. E., & Gorard, S. (2010). Death of mixed methods? Or the rebirth of research as a craft. Evaluation & Research in Education, 23(2), 121–136.

Weston, C., Gandell, T., Beauchamp, J., McAlpine, L., Wiseman, C., & Beauchamp, C. (2001). Analyzing interview data: The development and evolution of a coding system. Qualitative Sociology, 24(3), 381–400.

Wilson, E. (2012). School-based research: a guide for education students. Sage. Chapter 7

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