Research Assistant position at TU Berlin, Institute of Mathematics DFG-Research Center MATHEON, within the project "Optimization models and methods for telecommunication network design with varying and uncertain demands"

Research Assistant - Vgr. IIa BAT Faculty II - Inst. of Mathematics/ DFG-Research Center MATHEON -Mathematics for key technologies

Reference number:
FO-220 (initially to be filled for 36 months/ Closing date for applications 10.12.2009)

Working field:
Scientific work in the DFG-project "Optimization models and methods for telecommunication network design with varying and uncertain demands".This is an international Polish-German project which is executed in cooperation with the Warsaw University of Technology. The project aims at developing mixed-integer programming models as well as primal and dual methods to solve the problems of practical relevance. Eventually, it should be possible to compute cost-effective networks with provable high quality for varying demand scenarios; possibilities for promotion

As a successful candidate you should hold a Master's / Diploma degree in mathematics, computer science, or a related discipline; interest in new challenges and cooperative team-work; ability to work self-contained and target-oriented; desired: background in discrete and algorithmic mathematics (combinatorics, network algorithms), experience with modeling and solving LP/MIP, software implementation skills using Java or C/C++, basic telecommunications know-how; for more information please contact Dr. Roland Wessly, (Tel.: 030 84185245, E-Mail:

Please send your written application with the job reference number, with the appropriate documentation to Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fur Informationstechnik Berlin, Verwaltung, Takustr. 7, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem.
To ensure equal opportunity between men and women, applications from women with the respective qualifications are explicitly desired.
Handicapped applicants with the same qualifications are preferred.
Please send only copies and not originals of documents, as they will not be returned by mail. The vacancy is also available in the internet at