PhD student position atat University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology (UMIT), Austria
We are seeking for a highly motivated PhD student for a project funded bythe Austrian Science Foundation (FWF). This position is available for theduration of 3 years.
Essential skills:
The desired candidate should have profound knowledge in appliedmathematics (preferably graph theory and information theory) and computerscience (algorithms).But applicants graduated in chemistry, chemoinformatics, and computationalbiology with a strong interest in mathematical chemistry and multivariatedata analysis should also apply.
Strong programming skills in R/python/Java/C and database knowledgepreferably in a Linux environment are essential.Proficiency in statistics and data analysis. Moreover, good communicationskills are necessary. The ideal candidate would enjoy working in amultidisciplinary environment.Background of chemometrics, chemoinformatics, and mathematical chemistryis a plus.
Interested applicants should e-mail a full curriculum vitae, a coverletter expressing research interests, and the contact information of tworeferences to Matthias Dehmer (
The project will take place at University for Health Sciences, MedicalInformatics and Technology (UMIT).Generally, in 2001 the University for Health Sciences, Medical Informaticsand Technology (UMIT) was founded in Tyrol/Austria to provide IT solutionsfor the health care and life sciences. Today, academic research andteaching focus is in biomedical informatics, health sciences and nursingscience.
UMIT has an integrated view of the different disciplines contributing tothe health care sector.
Ao. Univ. Prof. Dr. Matthias Dehmer UMITInstitute for Bioinformatics and Translational Research Hall in Tyrol, Austria