Two international intensive courses on Mathematical Epidemiology and Modeling Differential and Difference Equations - summer school in Sczeged, Hungary

Two international intensive courses are organized in the frame of the project IPA HU-SRB/1203/221/024 "Non-Standard Forms of Teaching Mathematics and Physics", between August 4-7, 2014 in Szeged for PhD students and talented MSc and BSc students:

1. Szeged Summer School on Mathematical Epidemiology

This course is accredited in the Doctoral School of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Szeged. The language of the course is English.

Announcement, application form and preliminary programme can be found here:

Participation is free, the students receive the used teaching materials. We try to cover the costs of accommodation.

2. Higher Mathematica: Modeling Differential and Difference Equations international intensive course Szeged, June 10-13 event_id=91

The following events are also organized within the project

CSM - The Third Conference of PhD Students in Mathematcs Szeged, Hungary, June 30 - July 2, 2014

"Interdisciplinary Winter School" Szeged- Novi Sad, January - February, 2015

Conference on Modeling in Life Sciences (Szeged, November 2014)

Pannonian Mathematical Modelling Conference, Novi Sad, April, 2015