Postdoc/Research Associate positions available at University of Minnesota, USA

Highly motivated candidates are sought for postdoctoral/research associate positions involving interdisciplinary research in functional neuroimaging including EEG and/or fMRI or brain-computer interface. Research projects involve both basic and clinical neuroscience.

A PhD in biomedical engineering/bioengineering, electrical engineering, physics, or a related field is required. Candidates with strong engineering expertise preferred. Experience in EEG or fMRI preferred. Technical expertise in signal processing and EEG inverse problem desirable but not required. Excellent written and oral communication skills required.

Interested candidates should email a single pdf file consisting of a cover letter summarizing major research experience and career goal, CV, and contact information for three references to Dr. Bin He, Distinguished McKnight University Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Director of Center for Neuroengineering, University of Minnesota, 312 Church St SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455 ( The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity employer and educator.

Bin He, Ph.D., Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Director, Institute for Engineering in Medicine
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455
Phone: 612-626-1115