4 PhD Positions at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering (http://www.chalmers.se/cse/EN ) opens 4 PhD positions for:
-Programming language-based security (up to 2 positions):
or contact Andrei Sabelfeld (andrei at chalmers.se)
-Parallel algorithms and data structures in heterogeneous multi-core systems:
or contact Philippas Tsigas (tsigas at chalmers.se)
-Privacy through language-based security and formal methods:
or contact Gerardo Schneider (gerardo.schneider at ituniv.se)
Deadline: October 31, 2012
Applicants shall have a Master's Degree or corresponding in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or in a related discipline.
Knowledge of Swedish is not a prerequisite for application. English is our working language for research and education at Master level.