PhD and Post-Doc positions at the Department of Applied Neurocognitive Psychology at Oldenburg University, Germany

The Department of Applied Neurocognitive Psychology at Oldenburg University, Germany offers a Post-doctoral position (E13/TVL, 3 years plus) and a PhD position (0.5*E13/TVL, initially 2 years)

The research focuses on the fields of neural coding of complex movements and neural coding of speech in the human brain with the aim of developing brain-machine-interfaces.

To extend the interdisciplinary team, the Department seeks for highly motivated candidates with strong quantitative and experimental skills. The post-doctoral position requires a PhD or comparable degree and the PhD position requires a masters  or comparable degree. The post-doctoral position is initially limited to three years after with an option for an extension to obtain habilitation (post-doctoral degree, similar to a lecturer qualification). Successful candidates will perform cutting edge research in one of the lab's foci and should have a background in one or more of the following fields: non-invasive or invasive human neurophysiology of the motor or auditory system, statistical learning, brain-machine interfacing. The positions offer an excellent interdisciplinary working environment with opportunities for international exchange. The lab is involved in the EU-project BRACOG (brain controlled grasping) and we have a close collaboration with UC Berkeley, USA. The University of Oldenburg was recently awarded a Cluster of Excellence in hearing research. The Dept. of Psychology will offer an attractive scientific environment with access to research dedicated state-of-the-art approaches to human neurophysiological techniques (fMRI, NIRS, EEG, ECoG, and MEG).

Electronic applications are preferred and can be send to:
Professor Dr. Jochem Rieger:

Please send paper applications until September 30th 2012 to:
Margrit Jung
Dept. of Applied Neurocognitive Psychology Institute of Psychology Oldenburg University
26111 Oldenburg, Germany

Applications should include your CV and a list of most recent publications.
Applications for the post-doctoral position should include a research statement (max. 3 pages). The University of Oldenburg aims to employ more women in this area and therefore particularly welcomes applications from women.