Block Course in Extremal Combinatorics in Random Discrete Structures, February 27 - March 23, 2012, Berlin
Block Course in Extremal Combinatorics in Random Discrete Structures, will be held on February 27 - March 23 at Free University Berlin
1. Extremal Combinatorics and the Probabilistic Method -- an Introduction (Tibor Szabo, FU Berlin)
2. Multiple Round Exposure in Random Structures (Mathias Schacht, University of Hamburg)
3. Transference Principles (David Conlon, University of Oxford)
Lectures: Mon-Fri 09:00--12:00
Exercises: Tue-Fri, 16:00-18:00
February 27-March 2: Tibor Szabo
March 5-9: Mathias Schacht
March 12-16: Mathias Schacht/David Conlon
March 19-23: David Conlon
The course is addressed to graduate students and postdocs of Mathematics or Computer Science, who are interested in extremal combinatorics, the theory of random graphs, probabilistic methods and related fields.
A typical day will consist of a morning lecture (9:00-12:00) and an exercise session in the afternoon (16:00-18:00).
The exercises are to be solved in small groups in the afternoon and will later be discussed in the exercise session.
The language of the course is English.
Applications for participation in the course (the whole or part of it - please indicate the weeks you plan to participate in), with a short curriculum vitae and scientific background, should be sent by Sept 30, 2011, preferably by e-mail, to Ms Barrett
barrett at
or by regular mail to
Margrit Barrett
Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Mathematik
Arnimallee 3
14195 Berlin
There is a limited amount of financial support available for PhD-students or for advanced Master/Diploma students in a field related to the topics of the course. Applications for financial support, with curriculum vitae, copies of certificates, thesis, areas of interest, and a letter of recommendation (sent directly by the letter writer) should be sent by Sept 30, 2011, preferably by e-mail, to Ms Barrett at
barrett at
or by regular mail to
Margrit Barrett
Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Mathematik
Arnimallee 3
14195 Berlin
Applicants will be notified by Oct 15, 2011.
If there are still places available, the deadline can be extended.
The Block course is organized as part of the Research Training Group "Methods for Discrete Structures" of the Free University, the Humboldt University and the Technical University in Berlin, and organized by Tibor Szabo.