The third international school in astronomy: Astroinformatics virtual observatory, 29.6.-01.07.2010, Belgrade

Faculty of mathematics in Belgrade and the Astronomical Observatory in Belgrade organized the third international school in astronomy: Astroinformatika - virtual observatories, which will be held from 29.06. to 01.07. 2010th in Belgrade. Her students are students with doctoral and master studies of universities in Serbia and other universities in the territory of former Yugoslavia. Lecturers in the School are recognized experts from domestic and foreign institutions with which the Faculty of Mathematics and Astronomical Observatory have cooperation. Lectures may be in blocks of 45 minutes or 90 minutes. 

New ways of research in astronomy enabled the rapid increase in the volume of data and their processing capabilities. Cyberinfrastructure in astronomy consists of databases, virtual observatories (distributed data), high-performance computer architectures (clusters and petaskalne machines), machine for distributed computations (Grid, Cloud, peer-to-peer networks), search tools for intelligent and innovative environment for visualization.

Magnitude of the volume of data collected by astronomical observation programs, has grown from gigabytes to terabytes over the last decade and is expected to grow from terabytes to tens and hundreds of petabytes over the next decade (eg LSST, the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, a produkovace 56Kx56K (3 -Gigapixel) picture of the sky every 20 seconds, generating about 30TB of data per day for 10 years). Astroinformatika new disciplines in astronomy and will provide integration and data across heterogeneous ekspolataciju massive collection of data.

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