9th MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS MEETING: School and Conference on Modern Mathematical Physics, 18-23. September 2017, Belgrade
9th MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS MEETING: School and Conference on Modern Mathematical Physics will be held in the Mathematical Institute of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia, from September 18 to 23, 2017.
The programme is mainly oriented towards some recent developments in Cosmology, Gravity, Quantum Field Theory, String Theory, and Related Mathematical Methods. The topics include:
Modern Cosmological Models
General Relativity and Modified Gravity
Accelerating Universe and Dark Energy
Modern Approaches to Quantum Gravity
Conformal and String Field Theory
Lie Theory and Symmetries in Physics
Strings, Branes and String/M-Theory
Noncommutative Quantum Models
Nonperturbative Approaches
Exact Integrable Models
Mathematical Methods
More information can be found at http://mphys9.ipb.ac.rs/